
Friederici, N., Wahome, M., & Graham, M. (2020). Digital Entrepreneurship in Africa: How a Continent Is Escaping Silicon Valley’s Long Shadow. The MIT Press.

AO: This recent Open Access monograph publication by Friederici et al. is particularly relevant for the macro and nano chapters in that they describe Nairobi's technology ecosystem and the entrepreneurs who work...Read more

Government of the Republic of Kenya. (2008). Nairobi Metro 2030 Strategy .:. Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform.

AO: This report was shared with me by Hawi as we have been discussing the analytic value of thinking at the level of the city rather than at the nation state. As I was attempting to look for the original source of this report, I came across the...Read more

Strachan Matranga, H., Bhattacharyya, B., & Baird, R. (2017). Breaking the Pattern: Getting Digital Financial Services Entrepreneurs to Scale in India and East Africa. Village Capital.

AO: This 2017 report has been particularly influential in the Kenyan technology space and continues to be cited in conversations regarding race, tech capital and privilege. The key finding that created a big buzz and is primarily what is referred to when people mention "The Village Capital...Read more

Amrute, S. (2020). Bored Techies Being Casually Racist: Race as Algorithm. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 45(5), 903–933.

AO: This paper seems relevant to read in preparation for our macro chapter as it focuses on the racialization of Indian software engineers in the US and Germany. Does Amrute's concept of "race-as-algorithm" hold in the Nairobi context and help to explain the digitcal economy in Nai? What is...Read more

Learning from Nairobi

Something Kim said - about Nairobi being an important site to learn from given that many in the US may be forced to go into the more informal economy, etc. - reminded me of a twist of that point...Read more
2019 Kenya National ICT Policy

AO: This is the latest publicly published Kenya National ICT policy which was a revision of the 2016 policy (which followed the first policy published in...Read more

2016 Kenya National ICT Policy

AO: This is the second publicly published national ICT policy which was a review of the 2006 policy. This document has been revised by the 2019 iteration.Read more

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