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“After all this research, we still remain the same," a Nairobi resident explained. Despite decades of research aiming to “solve Africa’s problems” and billions of dollars in funding, many of those who are studied see little change in their everyday lives. Particular communities such as some residents in Kibera, an infamous informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, appear to increasingly be “over-researched” (Sukarieh and Tannock 2012; Biruk 2012) demonstrating survey fatigue, falsified responses, and even feelings of exploitation (Petryna 2009).
Opening up quantitative datasets is increasingly foregrounded in discussions about responsible and equitable research practices and is now reaching a new pitch in mainstream academic and global development discourse, especially due to a growing push by governments and funders to open up research artifacts for greater public consumption (see the Open Data, Open Science, Open Access movements for context). Meanwhile, the social sciences and empirical humanities are struggling to figure out whether and how to join in. In spite of long histories of activist and public scholarship, many in the empirical humanities do not see themselves as aligned with those of the open science movement. There are numerous reasons for why qualitative researchers rarely share and reuse data. But growing pressure to share have led many qualitative researchers to revisit questions regarding their responsibilites towards qualitative data.
This instance of the PECE platform was set up in December 2018 to directly address the critiques of extraction in which the project was interested. The Research Data Share platform is an attempt to explore, through practice, the challenges and opportunities of sharing qualitative data, which has unique challenges to be explored in depth. As a research object in and of itself, this platform is being used to facilitate discussion over the worries and possibilities imagined and experienced by those interested in sharing qualitative research data.
The platform was originally set up as part of Angela Okune's research project to facilitate the sharing of the project’s own data as well as any relevant data produced by collaborating research organizations where Okune conducted fieldwork. Okune's approach drew inspiration from the concept of “para-ethnography” (Marcus 2000) and expanded the para-ethnographic into the digital realm.
The platform now serves as open infrastructure for individuals and groups in Kenya interested in archiving and sharing ethnographic data including the Research Data KE Working Group, which one can join via this link. Please contact us if you are interested in partnership or further leveraging the platform.
The sometimes obscure nature of historical, archival, and/or primary source collections can make it difficult to know all the details about the items that appear on this site. RDS has attempted to provide as much information as is feasible, respect ethical guidelines, and adhere to legal specifications as new information about these items is made available. We welcome additional information about the digital primary sources in RDS. If you have information about an item on this site that is not represented in the item’s metadata or would like to help correct an error, please contact us.
Big thank yous to:
Leah Horgan for designing and creating the RDS logo
Brian Callahan for supporting the installation and technical maintainance of RDS
Renato Vasconcellos Gomes for supporting technical maintainance and troubleshooting of RDS
Lindsay Poirier for supporting ongoing feature requests
Kim Fortun for assistance with design, conceptualization, and ongoing review of RDS
Mike Fortun for assistance with design, conceptualization, and ongoing review of RDS
Librarians and archivists at the University of California, Irvine and Berkeley.
This statement was last revised on May 3, 2021 and may be revised at any time.
The Platform for Experimental, Collaborative Ethnography (PECE: pronounced “peace”) is an open source (Drupal-based) digital platform that supports multi-sited, cross-scale ethnographic and historical research. The platform links researchers in new ways, enables new kinds of analyses and data visualization, and activates researchers’ engagement with public problems and diverse audiences. PECE is at the center of a research project that explores how digital infrastructure can be designed to support collaborative hermeneutics.
PECE provides a place to archive and share primary data generated by scholars in the empirical humanities and social sciences, facilitates analytic collaboration, and encourages experimentation with diverse modes of publication. It encourages users to experiment with digitally-mediated interdisciplinary collaboration, provides opportunities to involve students in humanities research as it progresses, and quickens the public availability of humanities research in an open access form. PECE also enables experimentation with new forms of peer review for humanities research, and functions as a portal to a suite of open source tools useful for humanities research, including tools developed in data science for other scientific communities.
The PECE project extends from work in cultural anthropology over the last few decades that foregrounds how cultural critique, innovation, and change emerge, and the significance of the genre forms through which culture is expressed (Marcus and Fischer 1986; Clifford and Marcus 1986). This thread of work in cultural anthropology has drawn on literary and language theory to address the significance of genre forms both in everyday enactment of culture in different settings, and in scholarly representations of culture. PECE extends this thread of work into the digital domain through a platform design that reflects critical insight from theories of language, literature, and ethnography, built out organically with original ethnographic material. Thus, while designed to reflect critical theory, PECE is also ethnographically grounded, collaborative in nature, and expressly experimental: the platform is designed to permit change as called for by evolving ethnographic engagements. This entwined development process has been challenging but has proven robust, allowing us to identify needs and explore computational possibilities from within humanities work, learning about and building the kinds of tools that are critical when ethnographers work collaboratively, especially on complex topics involving multiple sites, scales, and actors, and many different kinds of “data”.
We developed PECE aware of long-standing effort, often experimental in tenor, to integrate new technologies and media into the work and expression of cultural analysis. Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead’s stunning work with photography, as both a research tool and means of conveying their analysis, is exemplary in this regard (Bateson and Mead 1942; Jacknis 1988). The history of filmmaking in the conduct and expression of cultural analysis has also laid important ground, generating impressive methodological debates and innovation, and a body of work that literally provides different angles on matters of interest and concern to cultural analysts. Digital tools and modes of presentation add still other possibilities for getting at and sharing understanding of how “culture” works, in historical, geographic, political, economic, and media contexts, always in need of deeper or alternative ways of understanding. The goal of PECE could therefore be described as kaleidoscopic, enriching cultural analysis through use of an ever-evolving array of techniques and technologies – which, together, multiply perspective, give texture to insight, and animate reflexivity.
Design of the PECE platform has been oriented by “design logics” that translate critical theoretical commitments drawn from cultural, social, and language theories into digital terms (Fortun et al, forthcoming). One PECE design logic is drawn from Derridean historian of biology Hans-Jörg Rheinberger's conception of how experimental systems work in the sciences, as a play between limits and openness (Rheinberger 1998); another is drawn from James Clifford’s’ writing about how juxtaposition works in both surrealist art and ethnography (Clifford 1981); yet another is drawn from Gregory Bateson's description of what happens when different scales or orders of communication are crossed, resulting in double binds that sometimes produce pathology, sometimes creativity (Bateson 2000 [1956]). These design logics travel with all instances of PECE, built-in and also expressed (see adjacent tab for a detailed articulation of PECE’s “Design Logics”). Such expression lays ground, we hope, both for work with PECE on its own terms, and for contrasting, alternative platform designs.
The constantly evolving needs of various instances of PECE such as The Asthma Files (a collaborative research project (on worsening asthma incidence and air quality globally) focused with shared questions linking project participants) and the Disaster-STS Research Network (an international network connecting researchers around the world studying how disasters of different types, in different regions of the world, are anticipated and managed) also orient the design of the platform.
The development of PECE has also been motivated by an array of concerns that we have come to refer as “substantive logics.” Substantive logics are reasons–theoretical, practical, and political–for investing in a given project. These logics often multiply as a project matures, and different collaborators bring different logics to a project. Substantive logics for PECE, for example, include the complex, pluralized knowledge demands of environmental health, but also the need for infrastructure supporting open sharing of research data, as now required by many journals and funders (the European Union and the US National Science Foundation, for example). New expectations for “open science” have technical requirements, while also calling out questions about how researchers should relate to each other, to those they study and work with, to their funders (often taxpayers), and to society writ large (at a moment that many consider to be a time of ecological, intellectual, and political crisis). The need for projects that work out the latter–what can be called the social contract of contemporary research–is another of PECE’s substantive logics.
Articulations that further detail PECE’s intellectual genealogies and interventions can be found here.
PECE is thus an intensively customized, open source content management system that has been built to address the global challenge of creating research infrastructure to support deeply interdisciplinary and international research that addresses complex problems such as global environmental health and disaster prevention, response, and recovery. Such problems have dimensions that require the integration of data and analysis from the humanities, social and natural sciences, and engineering, and thus will require robust digital infrastructure for humanities researchers, designed to be interoperable with research infrastructure developed for other fields.
We think of PECE as a triptych, with space for archiving, analysis, and crafted expression of ethnographic insight. Importantly, the middle space – for collaborative analysis – is where we’ve focused and invested most: here, especially, is where “collaborative hermeneutics” is being worked out. PECE’s design group has now developed and tested multiple digital functions that enable ethnographic collaboration. In the next phase of the project, we will refine existing functions and develop others, through side-by-side development of diverse ethnographic projects on separate platforms. To ensure such interoperability, we have also worked closely with data scientists (at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), and within the Research Data Alliance (RDA), an international initiative to enhance capacity to archive, preserve, analyze, and share data within and across research communities.
PECE was built and is governed by a group of interdisciplinary scholars at University of California Irvine, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, and Steven’s Institute of Technology. It is currently hosted at University of California Irvine. It can be freely downloaded at GitHub and installed locally to support different kinds of projects.