Aurelia Munene Annotations

How is gender discussed (or not) within various COVID-19 discourses? What is foregrounded and backgrounded?

Friday, June 26, 2020 - 9:05am

Article explores the effect of the pandemic on the livehoods of Kenyans in Kibera and exposes the problematic gender blind , decontextualised conceptualisation of  social protection during the pandemic.What is not foregrounded is the structural and systemic marginalisation of these communities through out the years  and how a targeted approach ( as opposed to univeralised)  to social protection has left  men and women in Kenya with  limited capability to absord, adapt and anticipate shocks.  Important question is what is guiding these choices?  Current focus by the state  in terms of social protection  is on the Big Four Agenda on food security, universal health, affordable housing and manufacturing. What gendered assumptions underlie the agenda? 

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