McMillan Library

Nov. 12, 2019 collaborative analytic questions

AO: This was the hand-out given to participants upon entry to invite them to think with us throughout the day based on their observations, experiences and the discussion.Read more

Nov. 12, 2019 consent form

AO: This is a copy of the consent form that all event participants completed upon entry. They were emailed a copy to review the day before the event as well and some even came with a printed and already completed copy to the event. A few of the attendees decided they wished to remain anonymous...Read more

Eventbrite Invitation to "Archiving Kenya's Past and Futures"

AO: This is a copy of the Eventbrite invitation for the event.Read more

Transcript: Panel 1 at Archiving Kenya's Past and Futures

Transcript of Panel 1 Discussion at "Archiving Kenya’s Past and Futures: Stewardship and Care of Research Data"

November 12, 2019

Venue: McMillan Library

Moderator: Leonida Mutuku


Leah Komen

Joyce Wangari

John Osogo...Read more

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