Updated as of March 31, 2020. Listed alphabetically by last name.
Priyanka deSouza
Urban planner, data scientist who has worked in Kenya on air pollution. PhD researcher at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. Set up a low-cost air quality monitoring network in Nairobi.
Nicera Wanjiru Kimani
Researcher with Young Women Initiative. Background in community engagement and mapping.
Titus Chelagat Kiptai
Works with Amref Health Africa. Over seven years experience in research and evaluations. Background in Geography and interested in GIS and remote sensing.
Nancy Jebet Koech
Pharmacist studying Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance at the University of Nairobi. Currently employed by the county government of Transnzoia. Previously worked with KEMRI Wellcome Trust.
Edna Kathure Kubai
Hospital pharmacist currently studying epidemiology. Previous experience working with Kenya Field Epidemiology and laboratory training and KEMRI Wellcome Trust.
Jimmy Maranga
Librarian at the British Institute in Eastern Africa. Manages the database of the Library and interested in exploring role of library in supporting management and discoverability of research data.
Trevas Matathia
Anthropologist working with Book Bunk.
Aurelia Munene
Founder of Eider Africa. Researcher with 13 years experience and research mentor to postgraduate students.
Syokau Mutonga
Anthropologist working with Book Bunk who is passionate about people in all places across time. Interested in exploring how intersectional approaches within cultural heritage reveal the hidden networks, systems and infrastructures that support or undermine collective life and sustainable social change.
Leonida Mutuku
Founder of Intelipro. Co-founder of Quotidian Data. Interested in the politics of representation in the development of Artificial Intelligence. Learn more about Leonida here.
Joyce Ngugi
PhD researcher studying psychology at USIU. Interested in preserving African holistic healing ways and passionate about research and research mentorship.
Richard Nzuki
Librarian and information management specialist at IDRC Nairobi.
Esther Obachi
Librarian in Kenya for over 30 yrs. Currently at University of Nairobi working on Open Access and digital repositories.
Bonface Odhiambo
Archivist at USIU interested in helping steer discussion about research infrastructures and data management capacities in Kenya.
Angela Okune
PhD researcher studying shifting notions of ethical scientific responsibility to “open up” knowledge held in tandem with considerations of data protection and privacy. Co-founder of Quotidian Data. Learn more about Angela here.
Micah Rachuonyo
Coordinates national and international standardization at Kenya Bureau of Standards in the field of information governance, including health information management.
Hawi Rapudo
Executive Director of Kijiji Yeetu. Experience in Social Development, Research, Governance, and Leadership.
Amy Shipow
Qualitative Research Specialist at Busara. Extensive experience using participatory research. Educational background includes Public Health-Maternal Child Health, Social Work and Human Development.
Wambui Wamunyu
Teaches at Daystar University with special interest in research methods at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Expert on the use of digital technologies in newsrooms and Internet governance in Kenya.
Peter Wafula Wekesa
Teaches and conducts research at Kenyatta University on historical issues with an emphasis on "sources and methodologies."
Research Data KE Working Group, "Research Data KE Working Group Members", contributed by Angela Okune, Research Data Share, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 31 March 2020, accessed 15 February 2025. https://www.researchdatashare.org/content/research-data-ke-working-group-members
Critical Commentary
This list is updated as of March 31, 2020. It serves as a brief introduction to current members of the Research Data KE Working Group. We are researchers based in Nairobi; librarians and archivists; NGOs and CBOs; media; relevant government stakeholders; and funders interested in supporting community-based research infrastructures. We provide thought leadership on qualitative/ethnographic research data in Kenya and beyond. We meet monthly online and are exploring through practice the challenges and opportunities of sharing qualitative data, which has its own unique challenges. We leverage the shared data infrastructure of https://www.researchdatashare.org/. If you are interested in joining us, please complete this form.