Angela Okune


Transcript from one-on-one interview

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

10:16 AM – 11:44 AM

Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant: Non-Kenyan woman with kinship ties to the...Read more

AO. Individual's desire to be named vs protecting others' wishes to be anonymous

AO: While we were going over the options covered within the consent form after the interview, this individual, who throughout the interview was all for openness, was also very willing to be named...Read more

Sharing Data on RDS: Tactics

Sharing Data on RDS: Tactics

Below are probing questions sets organized by stakeholder group to figure out where / why you may want to use this RDS platform. Reach out to aokune[at]uci[dot]edu once you have a better sense of what and why you might want to use RDS for...Read more

Informed Consent_191029_001 FGD

AO: This is a digitized copy of the signature pages of the informed consent reviewed by participants in the group discussion # 191029_001. Two of the participants wished to be anonymous while the four others expressed and confirmed desires to be named both verbally and on the consent form...Read more

AOk. Glass ceiling.

B mentions that another (Black) diaspora Kenyan was also interviewing at the same research org that she currently works at. The other person dropped out because she said she could see the...Read more

AOk. Collaboration shifting one's way of thinking

In the transcribed excerpt below, Hawi suggests that through the close interactions he's had with members of the group who have different backgrounds and types of knowledges and...Read more

Org Data Interview Guide_May 2019

AO: This guide was developed loosely borrowing from:

Carlson, Jake. 2010. “The Data Curation Profiles Toolkit Interview Worksheet.” Purdue University Libraries / Distributed Data Curation Center.
...Read more

AO. Data Sharing Can Lead to Increased Robustness/Validity

AO: After emailing this data to a non-Kenyan anthropologist I met in Nairobi, I received the following response:

“I went through the transcript and I really find it fascinating

...Read more

AO. Questioning the value of research for Kenyan society

AO: Lots of debate on this issue - sentiments that “Kenyan society doesn’t value research” which was pushed back against: “Academics don’t write things that society wants to read!”...Read more

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