Comparative analysis on Kenyan action on COVID19

Here is a comparative analysis highlighting various countries' stimulus support to address the economic effects of COVID19 with specific reference to Kenyan government actions shared by Ann Ichungwa on LinkedIn.Read more

Ujamaa Center. 2020. “#ProPoorCoronaResponse,” March 22, 2020.

AO: This twitter thread was shared on March 22, 2020 by Hawi Rapudo through the Research Data KE Working Group whatsapp group. It outlines what "#ProPoorCoronaResponse" to #coronainkenya would be.Read more

Kihato, C. W., & Landau, L. B. (2020). Coercion or the social contract? COVID 19 and spatial (in)justice in African cities. City & Society, 32(1).

AO: Kihato and Landau discuss in this paper how the pandemic exposes and entrenches broader structural inequities especially in the urban African city. They argue that policy edicts like social distancing, hand washing, lock-downs, curfews and policing further entrench structural injustices.Read more

PLAAS. 2020. “Food in the Time of the Coronavirus: Why We Should Be Very, Very Afraid.” Plaas (blog). April 1, 2020.
AO: During this discussion on Open Access, Eve Gray mentioned: 
"What is published hugely...there are now a lot of...Read more
Moore, D. 2020. “No work, no food”: For Kibera dwellers, quarantine not an option. Al Jazeera. Retrieved May 8, 2020.

TM: The global COVID 19 pandemic has sliced the lives of people like a hot knife to butter. During times like these it is the most vulnerable in the society that often times bear the brunt. This has been the reality for the residents of Kibera who despite knowing the threat that COVID 19...Read more

Mureithi, F. (2020). Top milk processor increases producer prices. Daily Nation.

TM: During times of darkness like the COVID 19 pandemic time presents opportunities for stars to shine quite bright. None know this more than coroprates who companies like Brookside Dairy have rosen to the occassion and have shown social solidarity to the stakeholders. This by not only...Read more

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