AO. Being named in research increases report credibility as well as individual's authority on the subject

AO: This quote highlights how being named in a research report (especially in multiple reports on the same topic/field) can help signal a respondent's expertise on a particular topic and may increase their standing and authority within the community on that particular topic. It can also further increase the report's credibility as well. Interestingly, despite saying this, the particular respondent did not want to be named and opted to be anonymous.

“I am telling you that, this is like the...I have done four researches where I have provided my emails, and I'm not asking them, they're telling me "now this information is so helpful. We're going to put it together and share it with you." I didn't expect much but just to participate for... you know, it's also important it reaches a level for us as researchers, in Kibera, or leaders, where we would prefer that some documents are quoted with us. You know, because it's professional, it's information based. And as a leader, if a document for example, raises about the level of sanitation, the level of governance is quoted on your name, in Kibra it gives you credibility. You know, on your leadership. [Others make sounds that show agreement]. Yeah, hence I was saying facts. You provide facts and its facts that can be referred to. You know.” (KPKMU09 1:03 October 29, 2018)


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