AO: Some may view my uploading of these informed consent forms as simply another push towards an increased "audit culture" within the university (Strathern 1997) and greater politics of...Read more
In this transcribed excerpt below, Wambui contrasts the "loose" organizational style of the Working Group with the more rigid and pre-determined system that she is used to ("research should be...Read more
AO: This excerpt from the article (below) highlights the key role that liberalizing telecom and fiber networks in Kenya had for attracting American multinational tech...Read more
Transcript from one-on-one interview
Tuesday, May 14 , 2019
10:23 AM – 11:28 AM
Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)
Participant: Kenyan woman who resides in...Read more
Ruth Oniang'o describes why she started the Nairobi-based journal AJFAND and the funding challenge which the journal continues to face even after nearly 20 years of being operational.
...Read more
AO: While we were going over the options covered within the consent form after the interview, this individual, who throughout the interview was all for openness, was also very willing to be named...Read more
This call was organized around Bateson's concepts of deutero-learning and double bind which heavily influenced the discussion points raised in the call.Read more
AO: This is a digitized copy of the signature page of the informed consent that was reviewed by Participant BCMWFS02 prior to interview # 190522_001 and signed after the interview.Read more