Nation Article: "Do Health Ministry Figures on Covid-19 Really Add Up?"

This news article published in the Nation online highlighted questions that we have discussed amongst some members of the RDS group regarding the accuracy of the official COVID-19 statistics in the country. Most noticably, how can the number of new cases exceed that of the total cumulative cases...Read more

Covid-19 and Invisible Communities

This article was published by Tazama World Media, one among various emerging Kenyan-based digital publishers providing alternative sources of news. While mainstream media often focus on official/government authorities as central/primary sources of information in this COVID-19 era, alternative...Read more

AOk. COVID19 language politics.

AO: Wambui notes that the language used on the sign on the door of a butchery seems to indicate suspicion..."COVID-19 suspects" but I also wonder if the sign-maker might have twisted the usual...Read more

Kihato, C. W., & Landau, L. B. (2020). Coercion or the social contract? COVID 19 and spatial (in)justice in African cities. City & Society, 32(1).

AO: Kihato and Landau discuss in this paper how the pandemic exposes and entrenches broader structural inequities especially in the urban African city. They argue that policy edicts like social distancing, hand washing, lock-downs, curfews and policing further entrench structural injustices.Read more

Attiah, K. (2020, September 22). Opinion | Africa has defied the covid-19 nightmare scenarios. We shouldn’t be surprised. Washington Post.

AO: This article (from September 2020) notes that despite a narrative that heavily circulated early in the global spread of the COVID pandemic that "vulnerable" and "high-risk" places, in Africa for example, were going to be devastated by COVID, it has not in fact played out that...Read more

Richie, Hannah. 2021. ‘Western Countries Prevented African Nations From Having Their Own Vaccine’. Vice News, 13 May 2021.

AO: Wangari shared this on our group whatsapp and I had also been shared it earlier; it appears to be circulating widely on Kenyan social media networks. I find it important to include as it highlights many of the broader structural and historical issues that have affected vaccine production and...Read more

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