AO: The excerpt from the article below highlights Bitange's announcement about the Kenya Open Data initiative at Pivot 25 which took place in 2011. The article quotes him as saying: "All the data...Read more
AO: Mike Sonko responded to the COVID-19 crisis in Kenya by distributing care packages to hospitals and the controversial aspect was that he included alcohol in the packages.Read more
This quote from page 11 strikes me for two reasons:
1) It names citizens as "people" once -- applauding their creativity, work ethic, education and entrepreneurial skills -- then refers to...Read more
The Research Data KE Working Group invited practitioners and scholars from all walks of life to participate in a 15-minute survey to better understand the issues of concern for Nairobi scholars regarding research data. The survey was made public for about a month from October through early...Read more
I archive this important report by Mathare Social Justice Network to help grow the respository of important, grassroots work being conducted to document and help address injustices in Nairobi. This report by the Mothers of Victims and Survivors Network of The Mathare Social...Read more
AO: This artifact was shared with the Research Data KE Working Group (via whatsapp) on Monday March 23, 2020. It is an article in The Elephant authored by Patrick Gathara.Read more
This brief Medium post was written by an influential leader in the Nairobi tech space, Ory Okolloh, who was a former co-founder of Ushahidi. In the post, she raises several points including that "we as a tech community must examine the series of events that led us to a point where an...Read more
AO: Wangari shared this on our group whatsapp and I had also been shared it earlier; it appears to be circulating widely on Kenyan social media networks. I find it important to include as it highlights many of the broader structural and historical issues that have affected vaccine production and...Read more
Transcript from one-on-one interview
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
10:16 AM – 11:44 AM
Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)
Participant: Non-Kenyan woman with kinship ties to the...Read more
AO: This report was shared with me by Aurelia Munene of Eider Africa as it touches on questions of what ethical research is and includes many direct quotes about experiences with research. It seems particularly fitting for this essay on "Being Researched in Kibera"...Read more