
Transcript: 191029_001 Being Researched in Kibera

Transcript from Focus Group Discussion

October 29, 2019

2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Location: Social Hall in Kibera

Participants: 3 men and 2 women who reside in Kibera and have regularly participated (as both subjects and also enumerators) in various research projects; 1...Read more

Mwangi, E. (2010). Between imagination and delusion: Cosmopolitan postcolonial critique in Ken Walibora’s Ndoto ya Amerika [The American Dream]. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 46(2), 125–137.

AO: This article by Mwangi analyses the late Ken Walibora's "Ndoto ya Amerika", arguing that it promotes “rooted cosmopolitanism” as a framework for literary and political development.Read more


Transcript from one-on-one interview

Tuesday, May 14 , 2019

10:23 AM – 11:28 AM

Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant: Kenyan woman who resides in...Read more

Bradbury-Jones, Caroline, and Sanne Weber. 2019. “Experiences with Participatory Research and Perspectives on Ethical Research Partnerships on Gender Based Violence in Kenya.” Institute for Global Innovation, University of Birmingham.

AO: This report was shared with me by Aurelia Munene of Eider Africa as it touches on questions of what ethical research is and includes many direct quotes about experiences with research. It seems particularly fitting for this essay on "Being Researched in Kibera"...Read more

Perry, A. (2011, June 30). Silicon Savanna: Mobile Phones Transform Africa. Time.

AO: This article was written about the iHub in its "early days" and was one of the first big mainstream articles about it. I remember my manager at the iHub was very excited about it and on my trip to the US before I officially started my job, I picked up a couple of nice frames from IKEA so...Read more


AO: This is a digital copy of the 2011 Kenya Citizenship and Immigration Act which I use in discussion of the ways that travel and immigration policies shape the internal raced hierarchies of who is considered to be and compensated as an expert in Kenya. Under the Kenya Citizenship and...Read more

A swirl of contextual events in/on/related to Kenyan (tech) research

  • 1884-85: Berlin Conference where European imperialist powers met to “regulate the ‘scramble’ for Africa
  • 1888: Imperial British East Africa Company given a royal charter to administer the area allocated to Britain
  • 1890: The British
  • ...Read more
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