
Transcript: 191121_001 Being Researched in Kibera

Transcript from Focus Group Discussion

November 21, 2019

10:35 AM – 11:50 AM

Location: Social Hall in Kibera

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Transcript from one-on-one interview

Tuesday, May 14 , 2019

10:23 AM – 11:28 AM

Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant: Kenyan woman who resides in...Read more


Transcript from one-on-one interview

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

10:16 AM – 11:44 AM

Location: Research office of interlocutor (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant: Non-Kenyan woman with kinship ties to the...Read more

Muiruri reporting on BBI overturned by Kenya High Court

This important news that the Kenyan High Court overturned the President's Bid to amend the constitution illustrates the continuing importance of the Court in serving as a counter point to the Executive's power. This reminds me of the 2017...Read more


Transcript from one-on-one interview

Friday , May 24 , 2019

Hung out from 10:10 AM – 2:00 PM. Interviewed happened at the beginning of this time (from 10:57 AM - 12:15 PM).

Location: lunch venue in Westlands (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant...Read more

Nation Article: "Do Health Ministry Figures on Covid-19 Really Add Up?"

This news article published in the Nation online highlighted questions that we have discussed amongst some members of the RDS group regarding the accuracy of the official COVID-19 statistics in the country. Most noticably, how can the number of new cases exceed that of the total cumulative cases...Read more

Richie, Hannah. 2021. ‘Western Countries Prevented African Nations From Having Their Own Vaccine’. Vice News, 13 May 2021.

AO: Wangari shared this on our group whatsapp and I had also been shared it earlier; it appears to be circulating widely on Kenyan social media networks. I find it important to include as it highlights many of the broader structural and historical issues that have affected vaccine production and...Read more

Angela Okune, S. Adebowale, E. Gray, A. Mumo, and R. Oniang'o. "Discussion on Open Access (in Africa)," [Transcript], 2020, Research Data Share.

Discussion on Open Access in Africa

March 31, 2020

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Nairobi

Participants (listed alphabetically):

Odhiambo, Agnes. ‘Tackling Kenya’s Domestic Violence Amid COVID-19 Crisis’, 8 April 2020.

SM: This article discusses the rise of domestic violence against women in Kenyan homes due to COVID-19 lockdown measures.Read more

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