
Worry that data access does not lead to citizen activation/engagement

Kim asked the group: "What do you worry about related to open data in Kenya... Tell me a little bit about what would be a disappointing result, 10 years from now with open data...Read more

Mwangi, E. (2010). Between imagination and delusion: Cosmopolitan postcolonial critique in Ken Walibora’s Ndoto ya Amerika [The American Dream]. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 46(2), 125–137.

AO: This article by Mwangi analyses the late Ken Walibora's "Ndoto ya Amerika", arguing that it promotes “rooted cosmopolitanism” as a framework for literary and political development.Read more

Moore, D. 2020. “No work, no food”: For Kibera dwellers, quarantine not an option. Al Jazeera. Retrieved May 8, 2020.

TM: The global COVID 19 pandemic has sliced the lives of people like a hot knife to butter. During times like these it is the most vulnerable in the society that often times bear the brunt. This has been the reality for the residents of Kibera who despite knowing the threat that COVID 19...Read more


Transcript from one-on-one interview

Friday , May 24 , 2019

Hung out from 10:10 AM – 2:00 PM. Interviewed happened at the beginning of this time (from 10:57 AM - 12:15 PM).

Location: lunch venue in Westlands (Nairobi, Kenya)

Participant...Read more

Okolloh, O. (2017, July 11). No Sacred Cows. Medium.

This brief Medium post was written by an influential leader in the Nairobi tech space, Ory Okolloh, who was a former co-founder of Ushahidi. In the post, she raises several points including that "we as a tech community must examine the series of events that led us to a point where an...Read more

Transcript: 191121_001 Being Researched in Kibera

Transcript from Focus Group Discussion

November 21, 2019

10:35 AM – 11:50 AM

Location: Social Hall in Kibera

...Read more

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