
Worry that data access does not lead to citizen activation/engagement

Kim asked the group: "What do you worry about related to open data in Kenya... Tell me a little bit about what would be a disappointing result, 10 years from now with open data...Read more

Zachary, G. P. (2008, July 20). Inside Nairobi, the Next Palo Alto? The New York Times.

This article written in July 2008 is particularly interesting to me because of when it was written. It predates the slew of international media coverage on tech development in Nairobi (most of which was written in 2010 - 2012) and the article also touches on some of the cultural orientations...Read more

Keynote Presentation at IBM Research Lab. (2014, March 18). [Transcript based on personal recording].

0:02 CTO, IBM Watson We're very glad to be here in Africa. As you know, late last year, we opened our 4th research lab in IBM, here in Africa. And Africa represents to us an incredible, very exciting set of opportunities. And that's for many reasons, okay, not the least of which is the African...Read more


September 25, 2019

2:30 PM - 5 PM

NMK Ford Hall


What does an independent postcolonial nation do with a painful colonial past? It was noticeable how the speaker, a Kenyan Indian included...Read more

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